An endless debate on digital age among GenZ’s
by Dhruvi Dhariwal
Raipur (C.G.)
Cellulose fiber, the main source from which paper is made up of, is it wasted too much? Or are we just thinking too much? Well, the generation is famous for overthinking and the questions are too many if we consider. But, do we have a solution? We just have opinions and perspectives.
The dilemma which needs an opinion and perspectives with the growing tech and AI coded GenZ is the generation looks down upon the traditions followed and cultures celebrated, creating their own has never been the problem but not acknowledging or appreciating the ancient ones have been. With the rise of technology books are a rare thing now but still some would defend hardcopy and nurture the old school essence it has following the traditions whereas some would defend the softcopy and say it is not very practical to carry the hardcopy. There has been an ongoing debate about the same, whether it is hardcopy for the win or soft copy, but the resolution hasn’t been passed for it being a subjective one.
Hardcopies are definitely hard to carry but the comfort it provides while reading to the soul and eyes is something softcopies can never match and damage of eyes is a thing which always goes unnoticed when reading for hours and can never be ignored if reading is done in long run. Soft copies are generally cheaper and easier to produce and distribute but is less secure as it is susceptible to hacking or malware attacks. And, one of the last points to be highlighted here is the information retention, the amount of information retained in the mind when read from hardcopy is far more than the information retained after reading from softcopies and when paper wastage is to be considered, the texts, the papers, it can be reused if one decides to share or distribute their own when they are done with that copy.
RALPH WALDO EMERSON once said “Every mind must make its choice between truth and repose. It cannot have both.” The truth is to be believed and response to be observed.
And, I here signoff leaving you with your thoughts to ponder on.
Ati Uttam dhruvi devi (ate.slayed.left no crumbs.)