BIG FM in India launched ‘Jal Andolan – Desh Ne Thaani Not to Waste Paani’ to address the water crisis and promote responsible water usage amidst worsening water shortages due to rising temperatures in Indian cities. The campaign garnered support from celebrities, government officials, activists, communities, and NGOs. It included initiatives like ‘Jal Daan’ to collect and distribute water in Delhi and NCR using tankers. On-ground activities such as cleaning water bodies, programs in malls, expert talks in schools, and station competitions were also integral parts of the campaign.
The impactful initiative caught the attention of the Jal Shakti Department, earning praise from Secretary Ms. Debashree Mukherjee IAS. Celebrities like Manoj Bajpayee, Divya Dutta, and others supported the cause by sharing their efforts in water conservation. Activists, including Dr. Rajendra Singh, expressed solidarity through audio and video messages. Listeners enthusiastically shared their water-saving stories with BIG FM’s RJs.
Sunil Kumaran, COO of BIG FM, shared his views on the campaign, stating, “The need for water is perpetual for all. As demand rises and the population grows, conserving not only water but all natural resources has become crucial. Through ‘Jal Andolan,’ we aimed to further emphasize the importance of mindful water consumption and thereby the needs for its conservation. I would like to extend my gratitude towards all the dignitaries who supported this initiative; their influence is vital in fostering a healthier environment for those without access to fresh water.”
In Delhi, the ‘Jal Andolan’ focused on ‘Jal Daan’ and promoted water conservation practices such as bucket bathing, avoiding car washes, and reusing RO wastewater. BIG FM RJs, along with supporters including Delhi Police, listeners, and local communities, delivered around 50,000 liters of water to areas facing acute water scarcity.
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